Step 1
Configuration Setup
Step 2
Database Setup
Step 3
Admin Account
Step 4
Finish Up

GREAT JOB! Just one more thing ...

Before you login to your new system, please make sure the following files are NO LONGER WRITABLE. The setup automatically attempts to make these files no longer writable, but if it fails, please do it manually (CHMOD 0644). Below you should see three red NOT WRITABLE labels:

  • application/config/config.php NOT WRITABLE
  • application/config/database.php NOT WRITABLE
  • .htaccess NOT WRITABLE

Finally, once the above has been completed, please delete the files setup.php and setup_db.sql to prevent users from trying to reinstall the application.

If you have any questions or need support setting up, please email us at

Congratulations on setting up your new system! You can now login with the Admin account you just created: