Step 1
Configuration Setup
Step 2
Database Setup
Step 3
Admin Account
Step 4
Finish Up

Welcome to the SETUP File

This file will attempt to setup the software for you. In order to do this, the following files must be temporarily made writable.

Please make sure the files below are writable (CHMOD 777):

  • application/config/config.php NOT WRITABLE
  • application/config/database.php NOT WRITABLE
  • .htaccess NOT WRITABLE

Enter the URL that you wish to use to access the software. If you have installed the software in a subfolder on a domain, make sure to include it! Make sure to leave a trailing slash i.e.
If you have mod_rewrite enabled on your server, you can make use of friendly URLs.
On some systems, writing sessions to file can cause errors. Storing session data in the database is the easiest option however it can be mildly slower than writing to file. You shouldn't really notice a difference unless you expect to have hundreds of users using your system at the same time.